1:      /// <summary>
   2:      /// A Bezier Object represented by a set of BezierPatch objects, each containing 16 control points
   3:      /// </summary>
   4:      public class BezierObject : BaseObject
   5:      {
   6:          /// <summary>
   7:          /// The minimum division size to recurse to
   8:          /// </summary>
   9:          private static double DIV_SIZE = 0.005;
  11:          /// <summary>
  12:          /// A Bezier Patch, made up of 16 control points
  13:          /// </summary>
  14:          public class BezierPatch
  15:          {
  16:              /// <summary>
  17:              /// The 4x4 array of control points
  18:              /// </summary>
  19:              public Vector[,] idx = new Vector[4,4];
  20:              /// <summary>
  21:              /// A public indexer to the array of control points
  22:              /// </summary>
  23:              public Vector this[int i, int j]
  24:              {
  25:                  get
  26:                  {
  27:                      return idx[i,j];
  28:                  }
  29:                  set
  30:                  {
  31:                      idx[i,j] = value;
  32:                  }
  33:              }
  34:              /// <summary>
  35:              /// A linear indexer to the array of control points
  36:              /// </summary>
  37:              public Vector this[int i]
  38:              {
  39:                  get
  40:                  {
  41:                      return this[i >> 2, i & 0x3];
  42:                  }
  43:                  set
  44:                  {
  45:                      this[i >> 2, i & 0x3] = value;
  46:                  }
  47:              }
  49:              /// <summary>
  50:              /// Creates a copy of this bezier patch
  51:              /// </summary>
  52:              /// <returns>A clone of this patch</returns>
  53:              public BezierPatch Clone()
  54:              {
  55:                  BezierPatch ret = new BezierPatch();
  56:                  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
  57:                      for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
  58:                          ret.idx[i,j] = idx[i,j];
  59:                  return ret;
  60:              }
  62:              /// <summary>
  63:              /// Evaluates the Bezier Patch at the specified location
  64:              /// </summary>
  65:              /// <param name="s">The s parameter, from 0 to 1</param>
  66:              /// <param name="t">The t parameter, from 0 to 1</param>
  67:              /// <returns>A Vector containing the 3D world space location of the desired point</returns>
  68:              public Vector Evaluate(double s, double t)
  69:              {
  70:                  // Copy our vectors into a temporary array
  71:                  Vector[,] tmp = new Vector[4,4];
  72:                  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
  73:                      for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
  74:                          tmp[i,j] = this[i,j];
  76:                  // Take our 16 points, condense them into 9 points
  77:                  // Condense the 9 points into 4
  78:                  // Condense the 4 points into 1
  79:                  for (int size = 3; size > 0; size--)
  80:                      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
  81:                          for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
  82:                          {
  83:                              // Replace the Pij with the average of the 3 'next' points
  84:                              // i,j+1 - i+1,j+1 
  85:                              //  |         |    
  86:                              //  |         |    
  87:                              // i,j ---- i+1,j  
  88:                              // First bisect along the top and bottom lines
  89:                              Vector vi1 = tmp[i+1,j] - tmp[i,j];
  90:                              Vector vi2 = tmp[i+1,j+1] - tmp[i,j+1];
  91:                              // Then bisect through the line connecting those two points
  92:                              Vector itemp1 = tmp[i,j] + vi1 * t;
  93:                              Vector itemp2 = tmp[i,j+1] + vi2 * t;
  94:                              Vector vj = itemp2 - itemp1;
  95:                              tmp[i,j] = itemp1 + vj * s;
  96:                          }
  98:                  // After that loop, tmp[0,0] will contain the requested point
  99:                  return tmp[0,0];
 100:              }
 102:              /// <summary>
 103:              /// Splits this Bezier Patch in the t direction
 104:              /// </summary>
 105:              /// <param name="t">The 't' parameter to split at, from 0 to 1</param>
 106:              /// <param name="a">Will contain the first half of the split</param>
 107:              /// <param name="b">Will contain the second half of the split</param>
 108:              public void Split_t(double t, out BezierPatch a, out BezierPatch b)
 109:              {
 110:                  // Check for degenerate case
 111:                  if (t < 0.0 || t > 1.0)
 112:                  {
 113:                      a = b = null;
 114:                      return;
 115:                  }
 117:                  a = new BezierPatch();
 118:                  b = new BezierPatch();
 120:                  // We're going to be splitting this bezier patch into two pieces,
 121:                  // effectively doubling the number of 'i' values
 123:                  // Treat each row of 4 points as a single bezier curve
 124:                  for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
 125:                  {
 126:                      // For each row, calculate the new points
 127:                      Vector i1_1 = this[0,j] + t * (this[1,j] - this[0,j]);
 128:                      Vector i1_2 = this[1,j] + t * (this[2,j] - this[1,j]);
 129:                      Vector i1_3 = this[2,j] + t * (this[3,j] - this[2,j]);
 130:                      Vector i2_1 = i1_1 + t * (i1_2 - i1_1);
 131:                      Vector i2_2 = i1_2 + t * (i1_3 - i1_2);
 132:                      Vector i3_1 = i2_1 + t * (i2_2 - i2_1);
 133:                      // Points idx[0,j], i1_1, i2_1, and i3_1 make up curve A
 134:                      a.idx[0,j] = this[0,j];
 135:                      a.idx[1,j] = i1_1;
 136:                      a.idx[2,j] = i2_1;
 137:                      a.idx[3,j] = i3_1;
 138:                      // Points i3_1, i2_2, i1_3, and idx[3,j] make up curve B
 139:                      b.idx[0,j] = i3_1;
 140:                      b.idx[1,j] = i2_2;
 141:                      b.idx[2,j] = i1_3;
 142:                      b.idx[3,j] = this[3,j];
 143:                  }
 144:                  // Once all four curves are split, we're done
 145:              }
 147:              /// <summary>
 148:              /// Splits this Bezier Patch in the s direction
 149:              /// </summary>
 150:              /// <param name="s">The 's' parameter to split at, from 0 to 1</param>
 151:              /// <param name="a">Will contain the first half of the split</param>
 152:              /// <param name="b">Will contain the second half of the split</param>
 153:              public void Split_s(double s, out BezierPatch a, out BezierPatch b)
 154:              {
 155:                  if (s < 0.0 || s > 1.0)
 156:                  {
 157:                      a = b = null;
 158:                      return;
 159:                  }
 161:                  a = new BezierPatch();
 162:                  b = new BezierPatch();
 164:                  // We're going to be splitting this bezier patch into two pieces,
 165:                  // effectively doubling the number of 'j' values
 167:                  // Treat each row of 4 points as a single bezier curve
 168:                  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
 169:                  {
 170:                      // For each row, calculate the new points
 171:                      Vector j1_1 = this[i,0] + s * (this[i,1] - this[i,0]);
 172:                      Vector j1_2 = this[i,1] + s * (this[i,2] - this[i,1]);
 173:                      Vector j1_3 = this[i,2] + s * (this[i,3] - this[i,2]);
 174:                      Vector j2_1 = j1_1 + s * (j1_2 - j1_1);
 175:                      Vector j2_2 = j1_2 + s * (j1_3 - j1_2);
 176:                      Vector j3_1 = j2_1 + s * (j2_2 - j2_1);
 177:                      // Points this[i,0], j1_1, j2_1, and j3_1 make up curve A
 178:                      a.idx[i,0] = this[i,0];
 179:                      a.idx[i,1] = j1_1;
 180:                      a.idx[i,2] = j2_1;
 181:                      a.idx[i,3] = j3_1;
 182:                      // Points j3_1, j2_2, j1_3, and this[i,3] make up curve B
 183:                      b.idx[i,0] = j3_1;
 184:                      b.idx[i,1] = j2_2;
 185:                      b.idx[i,2] = j1_3;
 186:                      b.idx[i,3] = this[i,3];
 187:                  }
 188:                  // Once all four curves are split, we're done
 189:              }
 191:              /// <summary>
 192:              /// Clips this bezier patch in the t direction
 193:              /// </summary>
 194:              /// <param name="t0">The first location to split at</param>
 195:              /// <param name="t1">The second location to split at</param>
 196:              /// <param name="a">The Bezier Patch representing the original Bezier Patch from parameter t0 to t1</param>
 197:              public void Clip_t(double t0, double t1, out BezierPatch a)
 198:              {
 199:                  BezierPatch split_trash, split_a;
 200:                  // First split at t0
 201:                  Split_t(t0, out split_trash, out split_a);
 202:                  // split_trash contains the bezier curve from 0 to t0, so we can ignore it
 203:                  // split_a contains the curve from t0 to 1, so split it at the location 
 204:                  // where t1 would be on that curve
 205:                  double t1n = (t1 - t0)/(1.0 - t0);
 206:                  // Keep the first part (t0 to t1), and throw out the second (t1 to 1)
 207:                  split_a.Split_t(t1n, out a, out split_trash);
 208:                  // Voila!
 209:              }
 211:              /// <summary>
 212:              /// Clips this bezier patch in the s direction
 213:              /// </summary>
 214:              /// <param name="s0">The first location to split at</param>
 215:              /// <param name="s1">The second location to split at</param>
 216:              /// <param name="a">The Bezier Patch representing the original Bezier Patch from parameter s0 to s1</param>
 217:              public void Clip_s(double s0, double s1, out BezierPatch a)
 218:              {
 219:                  BezierPatch split_trash, split_a;
 220:                  // First split at s0
 221:                  Split_s(s0, out split_trash, out split_a);
 222:                  // split_trash contains the bezier curve from 0 to s0, so we can ignore it
 223:                  // split_a contains the curve from s0 to 1, so split it at the location 
 224:                  // where s1 would be on that curve
 225:                  double s1n = (s1 - s0)/(1.0 - s0);
 226:                  // Keep the first part (s0 to s1), and throw out the second (s1 to 1)
 227:                  split_a.Split_s(s1n, out a, out split_trash);
 228:                  // Voila!
 229:              }
 231:              /// <summary>
 232:              /// Creates a Hit object that intersects a given ray
 233:              /// </summary>
 234:              /// <param name="r">A Ray to intersect with this object</param>
 235:              /// <returns>The correct Hit object for the given ray</returns>
 236:              private Hit GenerateHit(Ray r)
 237:              {
 238:                  Hit h = new Hit();
 239:                  Vector ploc = Evaluate(0.5,0.5);
 240:                  double dist = Vector.Length(ploc - r.o);
 241:                  if (Vector.Dot(ploc - r.o, r.d) < 0)
 242:                      dist = -dist;
 243:                  h.n = Vector.Unitize(Vector.Cross(this[3,0] - this[0,0],this[0,3] - this[0,0]));
 244:                  h.r = r;
 245:                  if (Vector.Dot(h.n, r.d) > 0)
 246:                      h.n = -1 * h.n;
 247:                  h.t = dist;
 248:                  h.x = r.o + r.d * dist;
 249:                  return h;
 250:              }
 252:              /// <summary>
 253:              /// Called by the scene to determine whether a given ray intersects this Bezier Patch
 254:              /// </summary>
 255:              /// <param name="r">The Ray to test for intersection</param>
 256:              /// <param name="divSize">The minimum size to recurse down to</param>
 257:              /// <param name="depth">The current depth of recursion</param>
 258:              /// <param name="dir">The direction to split in, 0 == t, 1 == s</param>
 259:              /// <returns>A new Hit object if the Ray intersects this patch, null if it does not</returns>
 260:              public Hit Intersect(Ray r, double divSize, int depth, int dir)
 261:              {
 262:                  // ---------------------
 263:                  // 1. Convert ray into intersection of two planes
 264:                  Plane xp = new Plane();
 265:                  xp.p = r.o + r.d;
 266:                  xp.n = Vector.Unitize(Vector.Cross(new Vector(0,1,0),r.d));
 267:                  Plane yp = new Plane();
 268:                  yp.p = r.o + r.d;
 269:                  yp.n = Vector.Unitize(Vector.Cross(r.d,xp.n));
 270:                  // ---------------------
 271:                  // 2. Flatten bezier patch onto these two new axes
 272:                  bool transpose = false;
 273:                  if (dir == 1)
 274:                      transpose = true;
 276:                  double i_dist = Vector.Length(this[3,0] - this[0,0]);
 277:                  double j_dist = Vector.Length(this[0,3] - this[0,0]);
 279:                  double[,,] Dij = new double[4,4,2];
 280:                  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
 281:                  {
 282:                      for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
 283:                      {
 284:                          // If we're going to split along the 's' direction, then
 285:                          // transpose the control points of Dij
 286:                          if (transpose)
 287:                          {
 288:                              Dij[i,j,0] = xp.Dist(this[j,i]);
 289:                              Dij[i,j,1] = yp.Dist(this[j,i]);
 290:                          }
 291:                          else
 292:                          {
 293:                              Dij[i,j,0] = xp.Dist(this[i,j]);
 294:                              Dij[i,j,1] = yp.Dist(this[i,j]);
 295:                          }
 296:                      }
 297:                  }
 298:                  // ---------------------
 299:                  // 3. Choose a direction to split on, create a line through that direction, 
 300:                  //    roughly parallel to the control points
 301:                  Vector Di1 = new Vector(Dij[3,0,0],Dij[3,0,1],0) - new Vector(Dij[0,0,0],Dij[0,0,1],0);
 302:                  Vector Di2 = new Vector(Dij[3,3,0],Dij[3,3,1],0) - new Vector(Dij[0,3,0],Dij[0,3,1],0);
 303:                  Vector Di = Vector.Unitize(Di1 + Di2);
 304:                  // Check for degenerate cases
 305:                  if (Di[0] == 0.0 && Di[1] == 0.0)
 306:                  {
 307:                      Di = Di1;
 308:                  }
 309:                  Vector l = Vector.Cross(Di,new Vector(0,0,1));
 310:                  // ---------------------
 311:                  // 4. Create a height map based on distance from that line
 312:                  double[,,] dij = new double[4,4,2];
 313:                  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
 314:                  {
 315:                      for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
 316:                      {
 317:                          dij[i,j,0] = i / 3.0;
 318:                          dij[i,j,1] = l[0] * Dij[i,j,0] + l[1] * Dij[i,j,1];
 319:                      }
 320:                  }
 322:                  // Check whether the points actually cross the axis
 323:                  bool pos = false;
 324:                  bool changed = false;
 325:                  if (dij[0,0,1] >= 0.0)
 326:                      pos = true;
 327:                  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
 328:                  {
 329:                      for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
 330:                      {
 331:                          if (dij[i,j,1] >= 0.0 && !pos)
 332:                              changed = true;
 333:                          if (dij[i,j,1] < 0.0 && pos)
 334:                              changed = true;
 335:                      }
 336:                  }
 337:                  // If they don't, then the ray doesn't hit this patch
 338:                  if (!changed)
 339:                      return null;
 341:                  // Check to see if we're done yet
 342:                  if (i_dist <= divSize && j_dist <= divSize)
 343:                      return GenerateHit(r);
 345:                  // Check whether the currently selected axis is already small enough
 346:                  // If so, recurse in the other direction
 347:                  if (i_dist < divSize && !transpose)
 348:                      return Intersect(r, divSize, depth + 1, (transpose ? 0 : 1));
 349:                  else if (j_dist < divSize && transpose)
 350:                      return Intersect(r, divSize, depth + 1, (transpose ? 0 : 1));
 352:                  // ---------------------
 353:                  // 5. Find the convex hull of the height map
 355:                  // We only need the lowest and highest values at each interval
 356:                  double[,,] bounds = new double[4,2,2];
 357:                  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
 358:                  {
 359:                      double minval = double.MaxValue;
 360:                      double maxval = double.MinValue;
 361:                      bounds[i,0,0] = dij[i,0,0];
 362:                      bounds[i,1,0] = dij[i,0,0];
 363:                      for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
 364:                      {
 365:                          if (dij[i,j,1] < minval)
 366:                              minval = dij[i,j,1];
 367:                          if (dij[i,j,1] > maxval)
 368:                              maxval = dij[i,j,1];
 369:                      }
 370:                      bounds[i,0,1] = minval;
 371:                      bounds[i,1,1] = maxval;
 372:                  }
 374:                  // Determine location where the convex hull passes 'sea-level'
 375:                  double min_hull = double.MaxValue;
 376:                  double max_hull = double.MinValue;
 377:                  bool success = false;
 378:                  for (int a_i = 0; a_i < 4; a_i++)
 379:                      for (int a_j = 0; a_j < 2; a_j++)
 380:                          for (int b_i = 0; b_i < 4; b_i++)
 381:                              for (int b_j = 0; b_j < 2; b_j++)
 382:                              {
 383:                                  double t;
 384:                                  if (HitsAxis(bounds[a_i,a_j,0], bounds[a_i,a_j,1], bounds[b_i,b_j,0], bounds[b_i,b_j,1], out t))
 385:                                  {
 386:                                      if (t < min_hull)
 387:                                          min_hull = t;
 388:                                      if (t > max_hull)
 389:                                          max_hull = t;
 390:                                      success = true;
 391:                                  }
 392:                              }
 394:                  if (!success)
 395:                      return null;
 397:                  // ---------------------
 398:                  // 6-8. Check for max - min > 0.8, subdivide, or clip the bezier patch and recurse
 400:                  // If our hull contains more than 80% of the axis line...
 401:                  if (max_hull - min_hull > 0.8)
 402:                  {
 403:                      // .. Split the bezier patch and call on each half
 404:                      BezierPatch a, b, temp;
 405:                      if (transpose)
 406:                      {
 407:                          Clip_s(min_hull, max_hull, out temp);
 408:                          Split_s(0.5, out a, out b);
 409:                      }
 410:                      else
 411:                      {
 412:                          Clip_t(min_hull, max_hull, out temp);
 413:                          Split_t(0.5, out a, out b);
 414:                      }
 415:                      Hit ha = a.Intersect(r, divSize, depth + 1, (transpose ? 0 : 1));
 416:                      Hit hb = b.Intersect(r, divSize, depth + 1, (transpose ? 0 : 1));
 417:                      if (ha != null && hb != null)
 418:                      {
 419:                          if (ha.t <= hb.t)
 420:                          {
 421:                              ha.next = hb;
 422:                              return ha;
 423:                          }
 424:                          else
 425:                          {
 426:                              hb.next = ha;
 427:                              return hb;
 428:                          }
 429:                      }
 430:                      else if (ha != null)
 431:                          return ha;
 432:                      else if (hb != null)
 433:                          return hb;
 434:                      else
 435:                          return null;
 436:                  }
 437:                  else
 438:                  {
 439:                      // Otherwise, just clip the bezier patch
 440:                      BezierPatch nbp;
 441:                      if (transpose)
 442:                          Clip_s(min_hull,max_hull,out nbp);
 443:                      else
 444:                          Clip_t(min_hull,max_hull,out nbp);
 445:                      return nbp.Intersect(r,divSize,depth + 1,(transpose ? 0 : 1));
 446:                  }
 447:              }
 448:          }
 450:          /// <summary>
 451:          /// A private method which tests whether a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) crosses the y axis
 452:          /// </summary>
 453:          /// <param name="x1">The x parameter of the first point</param>
 454:          /// <param name="y1">The y parameter of the first point</param>
 455:          /// <param name="x2">The x parameter of the second point</param>
 456:          /// <param name="y2">The y parameter of the second point</param>
 457:          /// <param name="i">The x value at which this line would pass the y axis</param>
 458:          /// <returns>True if this line actually crosses the y axis somewhere between x1 and x2</returns>
 459:          private static bool HitsAxis(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, out double i)
 460:          {
 461:              i = 0;
 463:              double inv_m = (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1);
 464:              if (double.IsNaN(inv_m) || double.IsInfinity(inv_m))
 465:              {
 466:                  // There's no rise, so this cannot cross the axis
 467:                  return false;
 468:              }
 469:              if (inv_m == 0.0)
 470:              {
 471:                  if (y1 < 0.0 && y2 < 0.0)
 472:                      return false;
 473:                  if (y2 > 0.0 && y2 > 0.0)
 474:                      return false;
 475:              }
 477:              i = (-y1) * inv_m + x1;
 478:              if (x1 < x2)
 479:              {
 480:                  if (i < x1)
 481:                      return false;
 482:                  if (i > x2)
 483:                      return false;
 484:              }
 485:              else
 486:              {
 487:                  if (i > x1)
 488:                      return false;
 489:                  if (i < x2)
 490:                      return false;
 491:              }
 493:              return true;
 494:          }
 496:          /// <summary>
 497:          /// The list of patches which make up this Bezier Object
 498:          /// </summary>
 499:          public System.Collections.ArrayList patchList;
 501:          /// <summary>
 502:          /// Loads a Bezier Object from a .bez file
 503:          /// </summary>
 504:          /// <param name="fs">An input stream to an open .bez file</param>
 505:          /// <returns>A new BezierObject if successful, null otherwise</returns>
 506:          public static BezierObject FromFile(System.IO.FileStream fs)
 507:          {
 508:              if (fs == null || !fs.CanRead)
 509:                  return null;
 511:              BezierObject ret = new BezierObject();
 512:              System.Collections.ArrayList pointList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
 513:              ret.patchList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
 515:              // Loop through the scene file and parse each line
 516:              String line;
 517:              while ((line = Util.GetLine(fs)) != null)
 518:              {
 519:                  // Break the string up into tokens
 520:                  line = Regex.Replace(line,@"((^[\s\t]+)|([s\t]+$))","");
 521:                  String[] mc = Regex.Split(line,@"[\s\t]+");
 523:                  if (mc.Length == 4)            // 4 numbers == control point
 524:                  {
 525:                      Vector newPoint = new Vector(Double.Parse(mc[1]),Double.Parse(mc[2]),Double.Parse(mc[3]));
 526:                      pointList.Add(newPoint);
 527:                  }
 528:                  else if (mc.Length == 16)    // 16 numbers == patch
 529:                  {
 530:                      BezierPatch newPatch = new BezierPatch();
 531:                      newPatch[0] = (Vector)pointList[(-Int16.Parse(mc[0])) - 1];
 532:                      for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++)
 533:                          newPatch[i] = (Vector)pointList[(Int16.Parse(mc[i]) - 1)];
 534:                      ret.patchList.Add(newPatch);
 535:                  }
 536:              }
 538:              return ret;
 539:          }
 541:          /// <summary>
 542:          /// Converts a Bezier Object to triangles, and inserts these triangles into a given Scene
 543:          /// </summary>
 544:          /// <param name="scn">The Scene to insert the triangles into</param>
 545:          /// <param name="divisions">How many times to subdivide the Bezier Patch</param>
 546:          /// <remarks>
 547:          /// This should probably not be used, except for testing purposes, as rendering the Bezier Patch
 548:          /// directly is much faster and produces a much cleaner image.
 549:          /// </remarks>
 550:          public void ConvToTriangles(Scene scn, int divisions)
 551:          {
 552:              // Converts each patch to triangles and adds them to the scene
 553:              for (int i = 0; i < patchList.Count; i++)
 554:              {
 555:                  BezierPatch bp = (BezierPatch)patchList[i];
 557:                  double div_size = 1.0 / (double)divisions;
 559:                  for (int s_i = 0; s_i < divisions; s_i++)
 560:                      for (int t_i = 0; t_i < divisions; t_i++)
 561:                      {
 562:                          Double s = s_i * div_size;
 563:                          Double t = t_i * div_size;
 565:                          // Evaluate the bezierpatch at four points to create triangles
 566:                          Vector va = bp.Evaluate(s,t);
 567:                          Vector vb = bp.Evaluate(s + div_size, t);
 568:                          Vector vc = bp.Evaluate(s + div_size, t + div_size);
 569:                          Vector vd = bp.Evaluate(s, t + div_size);
 570:                          TriangleObject t1 = new TriangleObject(va,vd,vb);
 571:                          TriangleObject t2 = new TriangleObject(vb,vd,vc);
 572:                          t1.mat = t2.mat = mat;
 573:                          scn.AddObject(t1);
 574:                          scn.AddObject(t2);
 575:                      }
 576:              }
 577:          }
 579:          /// <summary>
 580:          /// The material for this BezierObject
 581:          /// </summary>
 582:          public BaseMaterial mat;
 584:          /// <summary>
 585:          /// A necessary function to return the material at a given point
 586:          /// </summary>
 587:          /// <param name="x">The location to get a material at</param>
 588:          /// <returns>This object's material</returns>
 589:          public override BaseMaterial GetMaterialAt(Vector x)
 590:          {
 591:              return mat;
 592:          }
 593:          /// <summary>
 594:          /// Since it's impossible to say whether one is inside or outside of a Bezier Patch, this always returns false
 595:          /// </summary>
 596:          /// <param name="v">Location to test</param>
 597:          /// <returns>False</returns>
 598:          public override bool IsIn(Vector v)
 599:          {
 600:              return false;
 601:          }
 603:          /// <summary>
 604:          /// A simple helper class to represent a Plane
 605:          /// </summary>
 606:          private class Plane
 607:          {
 608:              /// <summary>
 609:              /// A point on the plane
 610:              /// </summary>
 611:              public Vector p;
 612:              /// <summary>
 613:              /// The normal of the plane
 614:              /// </summary>
 615:              public Vector n;
 617:              /// <summary>
 618:              /// Distance from a point to this plane
 619:              /// </summary>
 620:              /// <param name="x">A point</param>
 621:              /// <returns>The distance from 'x' to this plane</returns>
 622:              public double Dist(Vector x)
 623:              {
 624:                  return Vector.Dot(n,x - p);
 625:              }
 626:          }
 628:          /// <summary>
 629:          /// Tests for an intersection between a given Ray and this Bezier Object
 630:          /// </summary>
 631:          /// <param name="r">The Ray to test</param>
 632:          /// <returns>The closest hit out of all of the patches in this object</returns>
 633:          public override Hit Intersect(Ray r)
 634:          {
 635:              Hit closest = null;
 636:              // Find the closest hit out of all of the bezier patches in this object
 637:              for (int patchnum = 0; patchnum < patchList.Count; patchnum++)
 638:              {
 639:                  BezierPatch bp = ((BezierPatch)patchList[patchnum]);
 640:                  Hit h = bp.Intersect(r,DIV_SIZE,0,0);
 641:                  if (h != null)
 642:                  {
 643:                      Hit ch = h;
 644:                      while (ch != null)
 645:                      {
 646:                          if (ch.t > 0)
 647:                          {
 648:                              ch.obj = this;
 649:                              if (closest == null)
 650:                                  closest = ch;
 651:                              else if (ch.t < closest.t)
 652:                                  closest = ch;
 653:                          }
 654:                          ch = ch.next;
 655:                      }
 656:                  }
 657:              }
 658:              return closest;
 659:          }
 660:      }